The Ultimate Guide To "The Little Black Dress" and purchasing one that WON'T break the bank.

The Ultimate Guide to “The Little Black Dress”
and where to find one that won’t break the bank.

I know all to well the struggle of finding dresses that fit (I am 6 ft tall).
This post may contain affiliate links. Regardless, I only recommend products and services I trust. 

 I have always had a hard time finding a dress that was long enough not to show my lady bits when I bent over and if I did, heels weren’t an option (90% of the time heels made the dress look shorter, And I was probably already on the edge of too short of a dress.) Don’t get me wrong flats are comfy and cute most of the time. But let’s face it; there is usually nothing sexier than a woman in a well fitted black dress and heels.

 When I would see those girls out; I looked at them in AWE, they were rocking it, and there I was in flats and having to constantly pull my dress down. I looked like I took fashion advice from a 10 year old and borrowed the dress out of her closest. 
I always wondered where they got their dresses- the only ones that would ever fit me right were well out of my price range or were in my price range but were really uncomfortable and made from a fabric that was itchy. I decided then I was going to put away the heels and high hopes of finding that perfect “little black dress” for good, put an end to it.

Until one day I was going on a first date and needed that “little black dress”. I was stoked for the date but I was also nervous because I didn’t have any dresses (or any that would fit properly). SO I did what any person would do with today’s resources, I started researching and shopping around. Today I am going to share the steps I use, so you to can find the perfect dress for you. This step by step guide can apply to any dress but to me, (now)because of this system, the Ultimate Black dress is easier to find.

Also, below the step by step system I have included my favorite black dresses that I have either purchased or researched in the process. Hint: my recommendations are ALL UNDER $50 and all from the same site, so if you like multiple one’s you don’t have go to different sites. Just click on the image you like and it will take you straight to the page to look at or order.


Before purchasing any item of clothing, know your comfort zone. Are you comfortable with showing cleavage or not showing cleavage? Do you like your dresses short, mid-thigh, knee length, past the knee, or ankle length? How tight are you comfortable with the dress being; pencil tight, tight up top and have a flow at the bottom, or loose from top to bottom? These are very important aspects (I am not saying you shouldn’t have different styles), but if you can find a dress that fits every aspect of your comfort zone, more than likely it will be your favorite. IF NOTHING ELSE, ATLEAST PICK OUT THE LENGTH YOU ARE THE MOST COMFORTABLE WITH.


Too many times I have been the person that purchases the dress that it is too short, because it looked so long on that model in the picture. My first mistake here was not knowing the difference in length names on dresses. Second mistake, that model was probably 5 foot tall (nothing wrong with that, but it’s a dress on her and a shirt on me). Know these differences especially when shopping online.

Mini or petite- means usually made for people under 5’4. And in some cases can mean slender.
Maxi- these dresses are supposed to reach ankle length or floor length but I would check exact length if you are taller than 5’11.
Midi or Mid length- Now this one is tricky it can mean anywhere to mid-thigh to right above the knee, In most cases for taller people (5’9- 6’3 it is mid-thigh or so). This is my favorite category.
Knee Length- pretty explanatory. Usually a little higher if you are taller.

I know for a long time I thought the sexiest black dress was the tightest, but then I realized the more I was in my comfort zone: the sexier I felt and the more confidence I had.

But the best advice I can give you is this: Know your sizes- your true sizes. Not that you’re a size 7 (or whatever it may be). NO. Get a measuring tape and know: your bust size, your hip size, your waist size, and have someone measure you for your length size (I suggest from shoulder down). If you know these then you are more likely to find a dress that fits you just right.
 Remember you are beautiful, and have confidence.

Like I said earlier I am going to recommend some dresses I have found (or purchased) during my search of the perfect Little Black dress. All of the following recommendations are all from the same site (truly love this site) and all under $50. But the real reason I love this site is because they have promos all the time like 50% off and they TELL YOU THE PROMO CODE AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. I don’t have to go searching on other sites for a promo code (because they already gave it to me, saves me time). The site is called BooHoo. Most of these dresses are probably cheaper now, so please click on them to check (they won’t be any higher). The following prices are from when I posted the links on here. All you have to do is click on the dress you like and bam you can see it or order it. ENJOY!

MIDI DRESSES With Cleavage

MIDI DRESSES: With little to no Cleavage

PETITE AND MINI DRESSES: recommended for people under 5’4

I hope you enjoyed this post, sorry for the length, I worked very hard on it to try and share what I had found. Figured everyone needed to know. Thank you for reading. 


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