Why my Best Friend is my Best accesory.

Why my Best Friend is my best accessory.
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Almost every day we carefully match our accessories with whatever we are wearing or doing that day and usually they complete the look. They add a touch of design that represents a touch of uniqueness to that person.

But out of all the knickknacks, bracelets, rings, jewelry and beautiful accessories- you (my best friend) are my best accessory. 

With you by my side I am unstoppable.

It doesn’t matter if my look for the day is pajamas or the best outfit in my closest; you are just what I need to make me feel complete. No matter where we are going or what it is we are getting into, I know it will be the best of times because you are there.

You know me better than I know myself most of time and still love me unconditionally. You encourage me to do things that are good for me mentally and physically, even if I don’t want to. If it is just to be a better person, you inspire me to always be better.

Even my worst of days with you the sun shines down on me through the rainclouds. You always say the right words at the right time- like you keep an arsenal of them, ready at all times.

The best of days are always brighter with you.

If you’re gone or Even a million miles away; hearing your voice makes me feel lighter and happier, while probably making me miss you more. Yet, I always know you are just a phone call away and in the spot that you claimed on my heart.

Because of you I can smile through the tears, have gut wrenching laughs, but most of all I can be me. There is not a better feeling in the world than knowing someone accepts you- the real you, the good you, the bad you, and the ugly you. You accept all of me.

With you I am invincible.

 So, thank you for being my best and favorite accessory.


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